Local Toilet Repair
Local Toilet Repair
Something done as frequent as local toilet repair and just as important is garbage disposal services. Clogs and stoppages happen very often when someone flushes a foreign object down a toilet, but this can happen just as frequently when something gets trapped down the garbage disposal and damages it, as a result, the next time you try to run it. Your local plumber can just as easily take care of this problem just as they can offer local toilet repair.
Garbage disposals were intended to grind up food so they don’t clog the drain of your kitchen sink, and thus they can grind up a surprisingly large amount of food items. While it can get clogged up from general use over time, if you notice it not working properly, it could be for several reasons. For one, not having enough running water will keep it from being able to flush the food particles through the pipes and create buildup that much sooner. There are also some foods you’re not recommended to send down the garbage disposal, such as very hard food items such as bones which should go without saying. Even though disposal blades are strong, they’re not strong enough to break down animal bones, or vegetable pits and seeds for that matter.
Similarly, eggshells and coffee grounds are also not to be disposed of down the drain. This is because as they get ground, they create tiny granular waste that can just stick on any sludge in the pipes which can inevitably create a waste buildup. Other clogs can be thanks to potato and banana peels which make paste-like waste that can lead to stoppages as well. Other examples of this include grease and fats and stringy foods like brussel sprouts.
While knowing this can help prevent clogs from happening, accidents can still happen, and it can still be relatively easy to clog a drain just by going about your day as one normally does. It’s generally recommended that you call your local toilet repair professional to handle similar plumbing issues such as this.
American Plumbing has been servicing South Florida and has been in business since 1975 for all local toilet repair and other plumbing services such as kitchen and bath fixtures, garbage disposals, toilets, and heaters. Our professional and highly trained team of plumbers will go to your home, assess the problems, and devise a plan to help fix or replace them. We are quick, clean, dependable, and very affordable. Call today if you have any questions at 954-584-7733.
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