Repairing Slab Leaks
Repairing Slab Leaks
Repairing Slab Leaks is not a simple feat, and neither is the detection of them. If you suspect a leak, call American plumbing without delay.
A slab leak is one of the most catastrophic things that can occur within a home resulting in devastating damages if left unchecked. American Plumbing is made of a team of top-tier, professionally trained plumbers who have been operating in the south Florida greater area since 1975. We are the professionals and know exactly what to do when it comes to detecting and repairing these awful slab leaks. You may already know you have a slab leak and need assistance, but what if you are totally unsure? This kind of leak can damage directly the foundation of your home directly, due to the plumbing that runs directly underneath this foundation becoming damaged and itself having a leak or leaks. Underground leaks eventually lead to above-ground problems, rea don to see why.
You see, when underground piping breaks or begins to leak, the sewage water within them begins to seep into the ground below your property’s foundation. In milder cases, you may get some foul odors that are hard to explain and some mild visual signs. However, without repair and left alone this problem can expand in magnitude to frightening proportions. The soil and foundation beneath the home can become unstable causing floors, and walls to crack, buckle, or lose their stability. Water can visibly seep through into the home causing mild to serious flooding, and in the worse slab leak cases, entire sections of homes have collapsed into the ground.
American Plumbing knows how to deal with these potentially devastating leak issues, after all, we’re the professional Broward county plumbing solution! If you suspect you might be dealing with a slab leak, don’t hesitate to call us today. Our professional plumbers will be able to detect and help manage the slab leak so that your home does not have to suffer the fate others have succumbed to these dangerous leaks. The best way to handle these situations is through a comprehensive preventative maintenance plan that our plumbers can help determine for you. If you’re in need of services with this kind of leak, do not hesitate as time is of the essence. Please Call American Plumbing today, to speak with a smiling, caring representative who can coordinate with yoyu to have our team come out to give you a free quote.
If you are in need of a Broward County plumber, there is no place better to turn than American Plumbing. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or visit our plumbing superstore for parts, tools, and expert advice! 954-584-7733