Repair your Toilet with American Plumbing
If your toilet is clogged, cracked, stuck, stinky, swollen, bursting, won’t flush, overflows, takes too long to drain, leaks, you might need to Repair your Toilet! American Plumbing are the numbe rone pro plumbers in South Florida, and we want to help you get your toilet repaired or replaced today! There’s a ton of possible situations that could result in your toilet failing to work properly. The number one cause for a damage dtoilet though usually isn’t something sudden, it’s the cumulative effect of improper care. Particularly when dealing with regular maintenance or attempting to self remove clogs.
We see this happen quite often, and it always ends badly so whatever you do remember that you should not attempt to pour hot water down your toilet to attempt to release a clog. This might sound like a great idea on paper, but doing this can more often than not actually cause the clog to expand, and weaken the porcelain resulting in cracks and leaks. Never use improper tools to attempt to repair, replace, or perform maintenance on your toilet. Using a hammer for any pat of toile installation is usually a big red flag- American Plumbing always has the right tools for the job!
We work hard to ensure that every detail, including to the proper torque for the bolts on your new toilet is installed properly. Too loose and your toilet can wobble around- or even break off! Too tight and you can crack the base of the toilet. If you’re worried about installing your own toilet, we offer this service as well. Our professionals at American Plumbing have been dealing with toilets for over 10 years, and no job is too big or too small.
If for some reason your leak or plumbing issue is not related to your water heater, that’s alright as we have many other reliable services at your disposal, including:
- Hydro Jet cleaning
- Mainline and drain stoppages
- Roof drains
- Kitchen and bath fixtures
- Vanity and countertops
- Garbage disposals
- Conventional trenchless technologies
At American Plumbing, you can guarantee we have state of the art equipment for any plumbing problem. We also conveniently have a plumbing store between the Florida turnpike and State Road 7 for any tools or equipment you happen to need in a pinch. We offer free estimates and are the fastest and are one of the very few plumbing companies that have emergency services in most areas of Broward County. Call us today at 954-585-1066.
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